
Showing posts from February, 2023


Pulp Fiction Pulp fiction is a crime drama movie starring Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman, and Bruce Willis. It is directed by none other than Quentin Tarantino. This is one of the most popular movies of all time. This movie also established Tarantino as a prominent director.  The film also revived Travolta's career and basically brought it from the dead. The cinematography of this movie is very extremely good and distinctive. The color palette is unique and one of a kind. The characters of the movie are very colorful and dynamic, and they have the most interesting dialogue that you will see. I mean, a hitman literally quoted Bible before killing. The irony is off the chart.  The movie tells multiple stories interweaving with each other, tying up all the loose ends in the end.  Inglorious Basterds Inglorious Basterds is a war movie starring Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender, and Christopher Waltz. It is set in Nazi Germany. This movie is a work of fi...


The Other Guys The Other Guys is a buddy cop action movie starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg.  And this is one of the worst buddy cop movies ever made. This movie is supposed to be a satire, allegedly, but I don't get it. Maybe it's too subtle, or I am too incompetent to understand it. In either case, I didn't like it one bit. I like Mark Wahlberg, and I wanted to like this movie, but I didn't. I ended up hating it. It is unbelievably unfunny and dumb. The plot is clichéd and uninteresting. Supposedly, this movie was misunderstood, and people didn't get its clever satire or something.  First of all, I don't believe that. What I think really happened was that they made a lousy movie, and when people didn't like it, they tried to shield themselves from criticism by saying that the film was too clever for people. It's like you make a terrible and unfunny joke, and people don't laugh. You try to silence the detractors by saying that othe...


Tropic Thunder Tropic Thunder is a superhit satirical action comedy movie starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr. It is a satirical movie about War movies and the insanity of Hollywood. To fully understand this movie, you must watch classical war movies like Platoon & Apocalypse Now. This movie is made for Hollywood insiders. If you are just peripherally or partially aware of Hollywood, you won't fully understand this movie. You have to be completely dialed into Hollywood, inside and out, to fully enjoy this movie.  Anger Management  Anger Management is a buddy comedy movie starring Adam Sandler, Jack Nickolson, and Marisa Tomei. Sandler plays his typical role of the ultimate loser, the most unfortunate person in the world. Sandler has an anger management problem, according to the movie, but they never show it, so I guess I have to take their word for it. This whole movie is about how his girlfriend plots an elaborate plan to cure him of his ang...

2022 Movie Recap

The following is the review of all 160 movies that I have watched in 2022. This review maybe the longest and hardest thing I have ever done, that's what she said.  Anyways, I have worked hard on this, I had to edit it completely twice.  It took more than 30 hours and over 50 days and I gave up twice but I eventually finished it and I am proud of it. Ok then, I hope you like it. January Six Days Seven Nights  Six Days Seven Nights is an action-adventure movie starring Harrison Ford and Anne Heche. It was also marketed as a romance movie, Harrison Ford was too old to feature in romance movies at that time, and that is why this movie sucks. Anne Heche looked like his daughter. It was embarrassing to watch. The writing is terrible, and the movie is boring. Don't Look Up  Don't look Up is an apocalyptic political satire starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, and Cate Blanchett.  It lampoons the world leaders for not taking climate change seriously...