Kindergarten Cop Review
Kindergarten Cop is a 1990 comedy movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Penelope Ann Miller, and Pamela Reed, directed by Ivan Reitman, director of Ghostbusters. This is his second of three collaborations with Arnold, the first being Twins (1988) and the last being Junior (1994).
The movie starts with Arnie chasing after a bad guy who kills a person. Arnie looked like a homeless guy in the undercover cop look. Anyways, he arrests the bad guy but the only witness of the murder refuses to cooperate with the police. So Arnie goes off to find out our bad guy's wife and convince her to testify against him. He is sent there with a partner played by Pamela Reed. They both had real chemistry. Music was also nice in this movie. So Phoebe gets sick so Arnie has to take up the button and goes undercover as a Kindergarten Cop. The title is inspired by this part.
Arnold is like a fish out of water among those kids. The movie is essentially about this particular part, how he struggles with discipline or even getting them to listen to him. The kids are unbelievably cute and this movie is just worth watching for those super cute kids. It was cuteness on steroids.
They absolutely destroy him, his big muscles are of no use but he slowly learns how to control and discipline them. They grow fond of him and even grow as students. In the end, the bad guy arrives to take his son but gets his ass kicked by Arnold.
This was a great movie. The Concept was great. One of the best movies of Arnold. Kids were the best part of this movie. Their scenes could have been longer though. But, Overall a great movie.
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