
Showing posts from October, 2022

Groundbreaking TV Shows

1. Friends Everyone has heard of the term friend zone but where did it come from? It came from a friend's episode "The One With The Blackout". Friendzoned  means when a suitor is considered a friend by the woman in question rather than a romantic prospect.  2. The Big Bang Theory  The Big Bang Theory made nerd culture cool. Before this show nerd culture existed on the fringes of society where they are looked down upon and considered uncool but after this show nerd culture became cool and mainstream.   Now, Nerd Culture is at the forefront of culture especially after Marvel introduced their comic book characters to the screen in a live live-action mat. Soon DC followed suit and now these two are the biggest franchises. Also, Marvel started the trend of franchise films which killed the trend of Movie Superstars. Now, You don't go to see Robert Downey Jr.'s's Movie but a Marvel movie. Marvel has radically changed the Showbusine...