Buffy The Vampire Slayer S2 Ep 6 Commentary

So the episode kicks off with Buffy killing a Vampire, all regular stuff but... Someone is videotaping her. Who is he? It's Spike's henchman of course. So Spike is not a dumb villian, he is a smart villian. This means he kicks back and observes Buffy before attacking her. It's sensible I guess than going all guns blazing without knowing what you are getting yourself into. Then, Buffy goes to bar or something to meet with Angel, however Cordelia is already there. But wait, Weren't they going to have coffee? So anyways, they are leaning hard on the whole Buffy wanting to be a normal teen girl, which I doubt is even possible. Anyways, She gets low key upset and decides to buzz off. It's Halloween time people. In order to woo Angel, Buffy dresses up as a 18th century women and turns into that. The thing is the shop where they purchased these clothes turns people into the characters they dress up as. So Willow dressed up as Ghost and then She turns into one. She was also invisible before however. In this episode, they flipped the script and made Buffy vulnerable to make it more entertaining or something which doesn't work cause we don't feel like She is any real danger cause of her friends sticking out for her. It was not an successful attempt but it was a nice try. They will get points of trying atleast. This episode felt like they put a some thought in it, It was not very formulaic. So Giles goes into badass mode and knocks out the perpetrator, which turns out is his past acquaintance. The scene implied that Giles was more than he was making himself to be. They tried to add some mystery in the show. Like I said it seemed like they tried. Good episode, Definetly on good path. 


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