Buffy The Vampire Slayer S1 Ep 8

This episode was also bearable and we actually find out who is that absolute abomination in the opening scene.The Green Monster had an unbelievably appaling look.He becomes a Internet monster who seduces people by promising them power,love and acceptance.He prompts people to even murder others, which seemed very contrived.He just says I will give you everything,you just give me love.Anyways this greenie seduces Willow by bombarding her with praise.Also,there is a sideplot where there is tension between Giles and Computer Teacher which teases a romantic entanglement later down the road.She is some sort of technopaegan.First I thought it could not have been that word but,yes they totally went there.They went with technopaegan.This sounds like a fanfiction word written by teenager written in a Maths class.This episode seemed so bullshitsy and unrealistic.However,I didn't feel like when it's going to end.Pacing was smooth.The fact that the computer teacher is not the sole "technopaegan" but there is a group of tecnopaegans spread all around.And She talks about that like She is talking about her book club.Hope next one is better than this.
Peace out.


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