Buffy The Vampire Slayer S1 Ep 5 Commentary

It was nice.We got to see a more teen side of Buffy.Till now she had been in her badass mode.In this episode,she gets smitten by Owen.Owen life's gets risked.It is shown in this episode,the problems faced by Superhero as they try to have a social life especially dating life.Giles warns her from the get go that it is not practical for her to date.At the end of episode,she gets to conclusion that yes,she can't date without risking the life of the person she is dating.It was a very crushing realisation.But,She takes the right decision in the end.Superheros life are marked by sacrifice,which is brilliantly showcased here.You genuinely feel for her.
Buffy looks adorable when she is annoyed.Willow shows her caring personality in this episode.Her caring nature is really heartwarming to see.She keeps growing on me.Xander is nice along with Giles.Owen was an interesting character in this one.I hope that they bring him back in later episodes.Episodes is bookended by a intresting twist.Overall,episode mixes teenage life, superhero and supernatural drama quite well.These things jive pretty well.Looking forward to next episode.


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