Buffy The Vampire Slayer S1 Ep 10 Commentary

This episode was the most impactful one for the Buffy Universe.The whole highschool gets plunged into the mess of the hellmouth.They not only are plunged in the supernatural mess but they wallow in it.Buffy literally gets buried alive after turning into a Vampire.What?Before this episode,the show was coasting along not taking itself too seriously excepts at some moments.But in this one it causes to get out of feeling chill and easygoing by hitting your head with its grimness.A clown tries to murder Xander with a knife.Giles forgets how to read.It starts decent and then keeps getting grimmer and grimmer.
For the first time,we see Buffy scared out of mind,completely shitless.The assailant was too powerful and Buffy fails to overpower them.So She decides to exit the situation.Then,The Master buries him alive and when she gets out of the grave,She is turned into a Vampire.Also Before,Her father tells her that she is the reason why her parents split up and says he doesn't get anything out of meeting her occasionally on the weekends.She is completely heartbroken.In this episode,Everone's nightmare comes true due to some demon or something.They ultimately figure out the solution and subdue the culprit.The show took a turn to the dark side in this one.Although it was teetering on the brink of dark side.Now,it has entered it and I am looking forward to how they proceed from here.


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