The Birth & Death of Bourne
Background The Bond franchise stagnated in the early 2000s due to back to back box office failures of Pierce Brosnan's Bond movies. However, this created a market for spy movies. The fruit was ripe for the picking, and the Bourne franchise swept it away. Another movie that took this opportunity was XXX, starring Vin Diesel and Samuel L Jackson. Although it was a single movie, it still was a major success. XXX went for an action oriented, fast paced, over the top spy movie, while Bourne went for a tension-oriented slow burn grounded spy movie. 1. Success Bourne Trilogy The first movie kickstarted the franchise with a bang which then made way for the next two movies of the franchise. The First movie was more of a slow burn grounded movie, while the other two had more action scenes and big set pieces shot by a "Shaky Camera Style" to make it look more realistic. The cinematography was exquisite throughout the whole franchise especially the choice of using a ...